Green Doors

Open Homes

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Wiltshire Green Doors: More, bigger, better, do it again!

Wiltshire Green Doors: What next?

“It was a marvellous event. I was thrilled about it and hope it will become an annual occasion.”

This was how one enthusiastic participant summed up the South Wiltshire Green Doors Weekend that took place in May 2013, when 9 home-owners and Wilton Community Centre opened their doors and shared their experience of energy retrofitting with visitors. Other feedback could be summed up as: “More, bigger, better, do it again!”

It is hoped that the Wilton Community Land Trust will be able to respond to this enthusiasm with another event next year. There has also been some interest from groups in the North of the county. The website and promotional materials piloted in Wilton are now available for other Wiltshire groups, as well as for SEACS partners in Devon, Dorset and Brittany.

The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is equally enthusiastic about Green Doors initiatives, and is providing funding and support through the newly established National Open Homes Network, managed by the Centre for Sustainable Energy. A grants programme will be launched this summer.

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In partnership with…. In partnership with…. In partnership with…. In partnership with….

Green Open Homes is funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change and delivered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in partnership with Bristol Green Doors.